We bring cool things to life

Our Research Findings...

While I understand that we are not qualified in the field of wildlife science, biology or zoology we feel we are bush wise and can bring a lot to the table through passion and the love of nature. With that said our aim is to capture animal behaviour and monitor leopard movement using wildlife cameras. By doing so we hope to share our findings to the public with intresting videos. Hopefully our videos will also create public awareness. 

                  TAMED BY THE WILD

                                                                                          Is one of our Youtube channels



 Our environmentally friendly commitment


As part of our research we have setup wildlife cameras in different locations and invironments to capture wildlife behaviour and movement. We have been following a Blue duiker family for almost ten years. The blue duiker ram and ewe have had many kids over the years. When the ewe has her next kid her previous kid is weaned and leaves the territory

We have managed to capture a seven month kid captured by a lynx. One of our sadest moments but critical to our research to understand how blue duikers are hunted. We have also been following bushbuck behaviour and how they survive in the different environments. 


As part of our leopard project certificates will be awarded to persons recognised for their exceptional and noteworthy actions taken in support of leopard conservation.